Principles and Practices

Week 0


  • Read the Fab Charter and Practical Guidelines
  • Describe the idea simply with its basic functionality and possible users
  • Sketch the final project idea

Final project idea

For the final project, I decided to find some ideas related to my research to help my measurements. Then, after discussing with my supervisor, I came up with two ideas. I am working a spectroscopic setup using fiber optics to probe meat samples. But in that setup, there is no focusing and there are no lenses on fibers to focus light on the sample and/or to collect light from the sample. For conducting long-time measurements, focusing is more important since it could provide better signals.

Figure 2. My fiber-optic setup in OPEM unit, University of Oulu, Finland.

  • One idea could be to modify/update the existing fiber-optic probe by attaching micro-lenses to the fibers and to create a software, which analyses the detected light on the second fiber as the collector of light (first fiber is the light-delivering fiber) and adjusts the height of the whole fiber probe accordingly.
  • Another idea could be design and make a 3D scanning of the fiber probe over the sample surface, to make spectral mapping (because different parts of the sample might change differently) – this as a much cheaper alternative to camera imaging.
  • I will choose the second idea at this stage since it can cover all of the fab academy contents which is required for the final project.

    During the second week, I came up with the idea of a hexapod platform holding the optical fibers and controlling their movement direction over the sample (Figure 2).

    Figure 2. Simple sketch of the hexapod platform attached to an otpical fiber.